Update - The Town and Country Planning ( General Permitted Development Order etc. ) (England) (Amendment ) Order 2023
The Town and Country Planning ( General Permitted Development Order etc. ) (England) (Amendment ) Order 2023 was made on the 3rd July 2023, laid before Parliament on the 5th of July and comes into force on the 26th of July 2023.
Class B part 4 Temporary uses of land ( 28 Days Permitted development rights ) will continue to have effect until the 26th of July 2024.
New Class BC part 4 ( Temporary Recreational Campsites ) will take effect on the 26th of July 2023.
All permitted development rights are subject to the condition of Article 3 of the GPDO and would not be permitted if likely significant effect to a European conservation area is likely to result ( SPA, SAC, RAMSAR ). Areas in Nutrient Neutrality Catchment areas will continue to require prior approval from the LPA. - Conditional planning approval granted under Article 3 of the GPDO.
Key Changes
Prior notice is required to the Local Planning Authority each year setting out the dates, site plan and provisions for waste. The Local Planning Authority must notify the relevant fire and rescue authority.
Toilet and waste removal provisions must be provided.
Prior approval is required for any site within a flood zone 2-3 each year. The Local Planning Authority must consult with the Environment Agency and have regard to the National Planning Policy Framework. Check your flood risk here
- Site specific flood risk assessments must be supplied
- Camping must not begin before prior approval is received or not before 56 day after serving the application if no response is received.
- Prior approval may be conditional as the LPA see fit
- Scheduled monuments
- Listed buildings
- Military areas
- Safety hazardous areas
- SSSi's
The Public Health Act 1936. This act requires land used for the purpose of camping for more than 42 consecutive days or 60 days in any 12 months to hold a licence issued by the Local Planning Authority or approval of an exempt organisation or use by members of an exempt organisation.
The Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act requires that any use of land as a caravan site ( the siting of a caravan for the purpose of human habitation ) holds a licence issued from the Local Planning Authority or the exemption conditions set out in Schedule 1 of the 1960 Act apply.
Provision for motorise vehicles designed or adapted for human habitation may be used for the purpose of human habitation under the new 60 day permitted develpment and caravans ( inc campervans and motorhomes ) may continue to make use of provsions of Class A part 5. However licencing conditions continue to apply.
Class C part 5, unlimited camping in asociation with an exempt organisation remains unchanged.
The order is striclty for recreational use. Residential or other uses are not permitted by this order.
Contentious issues
Campervans and motorhomes continue to be classified within the legal definition of a caravan when sufficiently designed or adapted for the purposes of human habitation, S29(1) of the 1960 Act. Class BC PD permits the use of motor vehicle designed or adapted for human habitation (campervans and motorhomes), when used as a motor vehicle but not for human habitation.
development not permitted:
(f)for the siting of any caravan except a caravan which is used as a motor vehicle designed or adapted for human habitation
The wording is open to interpretation, however, it appears that a campervan/motorhome can not be used for a purpose of human habitation when falling within the definition of a caravans, this would likely constitute a change of use to a caravan site. Campervans or motorhomes that fail to be sufficiently designed or adapted for the purposes of human habitation would not likely be a caravan at all, and permissible under class BC. See Backer Vs SoS.
HMRC views on human habitation VAT Notice 701/20:
'For a caravan to be regarded as designed for human habitation it must have the attributes of a dwelling, that is, it must consist of self-contained living accommodation. It would need to have washing facilities and the means to prepare food (such as kitchens and bathrooms).
We see the term caravan as including mobile homes (often known as residential park homes), static caravans (often called caravan holiday homes or lodges), but not motor caravans (often called motor homes).'
Although this view may be lmited to the interpretation of VAT legistlation ( See Oak Tree Motohomes Ltd Vs HMRC )
Article 4 direction preventing temporary uses will no longer have effect to camping sites.br>
Wales! the Amendments specify effect in both England and Wales, however amends the GPDO 2015 only. Temporary use PD in Wales is granted in the 1995 GPDO. The 2015 order was not brought into force in Wales.
What does this all mean to land owners
The 60 days must be within 1 calendar year but not be 60 consecutive days. 42 max consecutive days.
You can continue to use land as a camping site for more than 50 pitches under class B part 4 for 28 days until the 25th of July 2024.
What legislation applies to UK caravan sites and campsites
There are 5 main pieces of legislation which set out the legal allowance of operating a campsite in the UK. These are:
The Town and Country Planning Act 1990
This act sets out the requirement of change of use of land and any construction required to establish a caravan/camp site.
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015
The Town and Country Planning ( General Permitted Development Order etc. ) (England) (Amendment ) Order 2023This order sets out some basic allowances for campsite to operate without need for specific planning approval. Part 4 of the order gives land owners 28 days of use for most purposes and part 5 sets out provisions for sites to be used under exemption conditions in the legislation below.
This order introduces new temporary use of land as a camping site for up to 60 days in any 12 month period and amends the existing permitted development to disallow general camping but permit camping and the siting of motorised vehicles which are designed or adapted for human habitation in connection with a festival.
The Caravan sites and Control of Development act 1960
This act is the primary piece of legislation which sets out the requirements, condition and exemptions for a caravan sites to operate. This act does not apply to tent campsites.
There are also model standards for campsite to adhere to when planning approval has been granted. There are different model standards for touring sites, static sites and residential park home sites.
This act sets out the requirements and exemptions for tent campsites.
* The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003
Sets out the right of responsible non-motorised access, for recreational and other purposes in Scotland.
Secondary legislation/regulations/guidance may include but not limited to:
- The Caravan Sites Act 1968
- The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
- Conservation of Habitat and Species regulations 2017
- The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
- Environmental Protection Act 1990
- Highways Act 1980
- Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000
- The Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act Model Standards 1983/1989/2008
- Mobile Homes Act 1983
- Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
- Environment Agency Standing Adevice ( Flood risk )
- Natural England Standing Advice ( Conservation and Ecological Impact )
- Forestry Commission Standing Advice ( Ancient woodlands )
- Design Manual for Roads and Bridges / Manual for Streets 2
- Animal Health Act 1981 ( Biosecurity )
- The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986
- The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 / The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020
- IET regulations 18th edition
- The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998
Types of campsite:
- Permitted site
- Certified sites
- Planning approved sites
Permitted sites
A permitted site is a caravan or campsite that does not require specific planning approval from a local authority or certificate from an exempted organisation. Sites of this nature are generally referred to as pop up campsites or stopovers.
Pop up campsites are permissible under the 60 day temporary recreational campsite 28 day temporary use of land, permitted development right set out in The Town and Country Planning ( General Permitted Development etc. ) Order 2023, class BC part 4 schedule 2. This allows the use of land as a campsite for any 60 days in a calendar year. Pop up sites are not permitted within the curtilage of a building ( garden ) and can not accept caravans, motor homes or campervans can not accept any caravan except campervans and motorhomes however a licence or exemption will be required( see below ). Permitted tent camping sites do not require a license for use up to 42 consecutive days or 60 total days in any 12 month period.
Stop over sites are caravan sites that can accept 1 caravan or motor home for up to 2 consecutive nights for any 28 days in a 12 month period. The Britstop scheme makes use of this exemption to allow motorhomes to stay in car parks at pubs, vineyards and shops. This right of use is set out in class A part 5 schedule 2 of the GPDO and paragraph 2 of the 1st schedule of The Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960, legal responsibility for the site falls to the land occupier ( owner/tenant ). All stop over sites must from the 25th of July 2024 operate under class BC, providing toilets and waste, removal and give prior notice/seek prior approval of the LPA.
5 acre sites are land holdings that comprise of 5 or more acres of land which have no buildings. These sites can accept up to 3 caravans on any 28 days in a 12 month period.
There are also provisions for land to be used in connection with agriculture, forestry, construction, travelling showmen and local authorities.
Caravan / Camp sites of all type are also required to comply with the fire safety regulations. Please read The guide to outdoor fire safety.Caravans within the curtilage of a dwelling house: Occupants of a dwelling house may site a caravan within the curtilage of a dwelling house providing its use is incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house. Care should be taken to ensure use is incidental and not ancillary, where incidental use may improve the quality of the residential use by allowing friends and family to visit, while the permanent use of the caravan by a resident may be considered ancillary. The paradox is that if the use of a caravan is ancillary to residential use within the curtilage of a residential property and the siting of the caravan is not operational development, does the siting and use constitute development at all and is a caravan site license required. Rental of a caravan within the curtilage of a dwelling house to a member of the public is almost certainly a breach of paragraph 1 caravan site exemption conditions in this context.
Certified sites
A certified site / location is a caravan/camp site that has been approved for use as a caravan/camp site by an organisation that has been granted exemption status under paragraph 12, schedule 1 of the 1960 Act and/or paragraph 6 of section 269 The Public Health Act 1936. The organisation may issue a certificate allowing the land to be used as a campsite without need for change of use planning approval from a Local Authority for recreational activities only.
Exemption certificates
Paragraph 4 certificate. This certificate allows the use of land as a caravan site under the supervision of an exempted organisation for temporary use. Generally activities that occur under this paragraph are known as rallies or temporary holiday sites. There are no legal limitations to the duration or capacity of activities.
Sites occupied and supervised by exempted organisations
Subject to the provisions of paragraph 13 of this Schedule, a site licence shall not be required for the use as a caravan site of land which is occupied by an organisation which holds for the time being a certificate of exemption granted under paragraph 12 of this Schedule (hereinafter referred to as an exempted organisation) if the use is for purposes of recreation and is under the supervision of the organisation.
Paragraph 5 certificate. This certificate allows the use of land as a caravan site for up to 5 caravans. There is no legal limitation to the duration a caravan can remain on site however the use of certified site is strictly for recreational purposes therefore most clubs limit continuous occupation by an individual to 28 days.
Sites approved by exempted organisations
(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph 13 of this Schedule, a site licence shall not be required for the use as a caravan site of land as respects which there is in force a certificate issued under this paragraph by an exempted organisation if not more than five caravans are at the time stationed for the purposes of human habitation on the land to which the certificate relates.
(2) For the purposes of this paragraph an exempted organisation may issue as respects any land a certificate stating that the land has been approved by the exempted organisation for use by its members for the purposes of recreation.
(3) The certificate shall be issued to the occupier of the land to which it relates, and the organisation shall send particulars to the Minister of all certificates issued by the organisation under this paragraph.
(4) A certificate issued by an exempted organisation under this paragraph shall specify the date on which it is to come into force and the period for which it is to continue in force, being a period not exceeding one year.
Paragraph 6 certificates. This certificate allows the use of land as a caravan site for meeting of club. Meets are not limited by capacity but are limited to 5 days duration.
Meetings organised by exempted organisations
Subject to the provisions of paragraph 13 of this Schedule, a site licence shall not be required for the use of land as a caravan site if the use is under the supervision of an exempted organisation and is in pursuance of arrangements made by that organisation for a meeting for its members lasting not more than five days.
Paragraph 6 of section 269. This certificate allows the use of land as a tent campsite for recreational purposes. There is no limit of duration or capacity however organisations must ensure sites used under this exemption are kept in good sanitary condition do not give rise to nuisance.
(6) If an organisation satisfies the Minister that it takes reasonable steps for securing—
(a) that camping sites belonging to or provided by it, or used by its members, are properly managed and kept in good sanitary condition; and
(b) that moveable dwellings used by its members are so used as not to give rise to any nuisance,the Minister may grant to that organisation a certificate of exemption.A certificate so granted may be withdrawn at any time, but while in force shall for the purposes of this section have the effect of a licence—
(i)authorising the use as a site for moveable dwellings of any camping ground belonging to, provided by or used by members of, the organisation;
(ii)authorising any member of the organisation to erect or station on any site, and use, a moveable dwelling.
In this subsection the expression “member” in relation to an organisation includes a member of any branch or units of, or formed by, the organisation.
When an area of land has been granted exemption by an exempted organisation the change of use of that land is granted planning approval by the Secretary of State by virtue of Article 3 and Class A and/or Class C of part 5 schedule 2 the GPDO 2015. The use of land reverts to its former use once the conditions of the exemption are no longer to be applied.
There can be no other caravans on land to which a paragraph 5 certificate relates for the purpose of human habitation. Land to which a certificate relates to can not be subdivided therefore any caravan within the same planning unit would likely render an exemption unlawful. To determine if you land is a single or multiple planning units the test set out in Burdle V The Secretary of State for the Environment should be applied.
Planning approved sites
Sites that have been approved by the Local Authority to operate as a caravan or camping site under the TCPA, the 1960 act and/or the public health act 1936. These sites are generally commercial sites of considerable size. These sites must comply with the 1960 act requirements, caravan site model standards and any condition set out in planning approval / licence issued by the Local Authority.
Warning: Planning approval does not automatically grant a caravan or camping site licence. While operating a site without planning approval may be a breach of planning control which is not unlawful in its initial stages, operating a site without a licence/exemption or exceeding 42/60 day tent camping is a criminal act even if planning approval has been granted. If you have been granted planning approval please ensure you apply for a licence before opening. If your Local Authority fails to determine a licence application within 42 days for a caravan site license or 28 days for tent camping the licence is deemed to have been granted unconditionally. A caravan or camping site license can not be issued by a Local Authority prior to planning approval.
Further more, licenses are non transferable with conveyance. If you have purchased a caravan or camping site, you or the vendor need to make an application to transfer the license under section 10 of the 1960 Act or make a new license application.
When is camping or caravanning unlawful
To camp or use a caravan ( inc motorhomes and campervans ) for human habitation on land in England or Wales requires express permission from the land occupier and the land occupier must ensure they have sufficient rights to allow camping or caravanning on the site. You should not use your caravan or camp on unadopted land, car parks or in laybys other than those with express permission granted such as motorway service or truck stopovers. Doing so may constitute an unauthorised encampment and be enforceable under section 77 of The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.
* Scottish land reforms allow non motorised wild camping on any land however permission should be sought for the land ooccupier. The outdoor access code gives further guidance on Scottish sites
What is a caravan
The Legal Definition of a Caravan
Section 29 (1) of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 defined
a caravan as:
“… Any structure designed or adapted for human habitation which is capable of
being moved from one place to another (whether being towed, or by being
transported on a motor vehicle or trailer) and any motor vehicle so designed or
adapted but does not include
(A) Any railway rolling stock which is for the time being on rails forming part
of a system, or
(B) Any tent”
Mobile homes and twin-unit caravans
section 5(1) The Mobile
Homes Act 1983 defines a mobile homes to have the same meaning as caravan
Section 13 of part 3 the Caravan Sites Act 1968 limits the size of
a caravan to L20m excluding tow bar, W6.8m and internal height of 3.05m.
Structures beyond these dimensions can not be caravans IE double decker
busses, 2 story movable structures.
Touring caravans fall within The Road Vehicles (Construction and
Use) Regulations 1986 and restricted to L7m excluding tow bar, W2.55m and
total height of 4.2m (3.66m without notice). Max weight 750 KG unbreaked, 3500 kg
Touring caravan equivalent structures : Campervans, motorhomes, glamping pods, shepherd huts, bow top caravans, showman caravans etc.
What is a tent
There is no legal definition of a tent however the generally accepted definition is:
A portable shelter made of cloth, supported by one or more poles and stretched tight by cords or loops attached to pegs driven into the groundCaravan and Camping Site
Section 1(4) of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development act 1960 defines a caravan site as :
In this Part of this Act the expression “caravan site” means land on which a caravan is stationed for the purposes of human habitation and land which is used in conjunction with land on which a caravan is so stationed.
Section 269 of the public health act defines camping sites as:
land which is in the occupation of the same person as, and within one hundred yards of, a site on which there is during any part of any day a moveable dwelling shall be regarded as being used for camping purposes on that day.
Note: A camping site licence is not required for use of a site for 42 consecutive days ( Days will be consecutive unless a minimum period of 48hrs has occurred between use ) or 60 days in any 12 month period, however these time frames will only be usable on site which fall into the correct use class or have a certificate of lawful development. Without change of use a site will be limited to 28 days use by the TCPA. ( 56 days during 2020 and 2021 ).
Caravan, Building or Chattel
The defining factors in the classification of a caravan is mobility and purpose. These factors are often challenged by Local Planning Authorities and land owners alike. Mobile homes being legally classified as caravans which may be constructed on site from 2 parts and have a footprint of up to 6.8 x 20 meters, have utility fixings and only have to be capable of being moved ( not requiring to be moved at any point ), it is easy to see why conflict of views can occur.
In Measor V SoS & Tunbridge Wells BC, 3 test to satisfy the mobility of a structure was defined. The test of size, permanence and attachment was used to differentiate between a chattels and buildings, however these test remain somewhat subjective and a matter of fact and degree. It is often considered that a mobile structures that are attached to utilities in operations normally undertaken by a person carrying out a business as a builder ( defined as building operations by 55(1a)(d) of the TCPA) and the intent to retain the structure permanently is a building, as can be seen in R (Save Woolley Valley Action Group Ltd) v Bath and North East Somerset Council [2012].
Caravans are specifically for the purpose of human habitation. A movable structure designed or adapted for human habitation fall within the statutory definition of a caravan. Therefore a commercial vehicle adapted to be used for human habitation would become a caravan and a caravan adapted for a purpose other than human habitation may no longer be a caravan but a building or chattel.
The siting of a caravan does not constitute operational development and only if the caravan is used for human habitation does a change of use of land take place to a caravan site, however if a caravan is used for a purpose other than what is ancillary or incidental to current uses planning approval may be required. IE caravan storage, shop, takeaway food supplies.
Planning units
Planning units are conceptual entities that allow a clearer understanding of when planning should apply to different areas or structures. There is no formal definition of a planning unit however there are a number of judgements giving some guidance.
The key test to planning units was given in the case of Burdle V SoS of the environment [1972] in which no judgement was made but the case was referred back to the SoS for further consideration with recommended test to aid in a decision.
- if 1 single purpose can be identified for the whole unit of occupation, the unit should be considered as 1 planning unit.
- if composite uses which fluctuate in their intensity over time but have no defined areas, the unit of occupation should be considered to be 1 planning unit
- Where there are distinct uses within distinct areas of a unit of
occupation these should be considered as separate planning units.
In the case of Fuller V SOSoE a number of farm occupations under common interest were found not to be a single planning unit even though a single use could be identified. The degree of physical separation was deemed to be sufficient to make the sites distinct. Contrary to this concept in the case of Ralls V SOSoE, 5 separate pieces of land had been in common ownership of a family group, each piece of land having separate title deeds in different family member names, gave a total of 70 days of permitted development for open air markets under provisions of the GPDO part 4 class B, temporary use of land. The 5 separate pieces of land were found to be in common interest, in common use and judged as a single planning unit, limiting the use for open air markets to 14 days across all 5 sites. Further more the case of Rawlins V SOSoE considered a larger planning unit to be a single unit even though the site was in multiple occupancies. Finally Westminster CC v British Waterways Board addresses the scope of ancillary uses, when a primary use of land is considered to have ancillary uses, these uses must fall within the same occupation and can not be extended outside the original planning unit, where a site is used for ancillary uses only this should be considered as a separate planning unit.
When is planning required
Planning permission is only needed if the work being carried out meets the
statutory definition of ‘development’ which is set out in Section 55 of the
Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
‘Development’ includes:
building operations (e.g. structural alterations, construction, rebuilding,
most demolition);
material changes of use of land and buildings;
engineering operations (e.g. groundworks);
mining operations;
other operations normally undertaken by a person carrying on a business as a
subdivision of a building (including any part) used as a dwellinghouse for
use as two or more separate dwellinghouses
The categories of work that do not amount to ‘development’ are set out in
Section 55(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. These include, but are
not limited to the following:
interior alterations (except mezzanine floors which increase the floor
space of
retail premises by more than 200 square metres)
building operations which do not materially affect the external appearance of a
building. The term ‘materially affect’ has no statutory definition, but is
linked to the significance of the change which is made to a building’s external
Local Planning Authorities have considerable discretion when determining what is development or whether enforcement action is expedient. Development such as gravel hard standing for caravans is often considered de minimis by Local Planning Authorities however this can not be applied broadly, no Local Planning Authority publish guidance as to what may be considered de minimis and in our experience Local Planning Authorities are unlikely to confirm de minimis development prior to development taking place.
Listed Buildings and the curtilage of Listed
Buildings: Works effecting the character or appearance of a listed building
and/or the curtilage of a listed building requires authorisation from the
Local Planning Authority. If any part of a listed building or its curtilage
is to be used for the purpose of a caravan or camping site, consultation
with your Local Planning Authority is advised. This is a complex matter
beyond the scope of this guide.
*** Caution. Use of portable structures as permanent buildings. The sitting of a portable structure where the intent is to retain that structure permanently may require planning approval regardless of its ability to be moved. A portable toilet block that is permanently connected to water, drainage or electricity is likely to require planning approval.
Use Classes
Caravan and Camping sites do not wall within F2 ( formally D2 ) use classes. Legal judgements involving the Rugby Football Union and English Bridge Union determine that use classes relating to recreation and sport require a degree of competition and physical activity. Caravan and camping sites not being a physical or competitive activity are to be considered Sui Generis ( a use of their own ). Equestrian or sports venues should not change uses under The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 / The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020.
Enforcement or prosecution
Material change of use of land to a caravan and/or a camping site is likely to be a breach of planning control and enforceable by your Local Authority, if you do not have planning approval or you have not attained immunity from enforcement. Planning approval may be granted by your Local Authority specifically to your site or in a Local Development Order. Planning approval may also be granted by the Secretary of State by virtue of a development order ( E.G The Town and Country Planning ( General Permitted Development ) order 2015 ).
Immunity from enforcement can be achieved if your site has been operating in breach of planning controls continually for a period of 10 years or more. You can confirm with your Local Authority that your site is immune from enforcement by applying for a certificate of Lawfulness of existing use or development under section 191 of the TCPA. Any break in use or authorised use ( including permitted development ) may constitute abandonment and restart the clock for the purposes of immunity. Immunity would only apply to the established use, any intensification or extension of period of use may continue to be enforceable.
Planning approval granted by the secretary of state by virtue of a General Permitted Development Order may be withdrawn by a Local Authority by means of an Article 4 direction.
The conditions of planning approval granted by the SoS under Article 3 of the 2015 GPDO also require regard to section 75-78 of the Conservation of Habitat and Species Regulation 2017. Sites within or close to a European conservation area may require an appropriate assessment and prior approval of permitted development from the Local Authority. European conservation areas are designated as Special Areas of Conservation ( SACs ) Special Protection Areas ( SPAs ) and Ramsar sites. Local and National SSSIs, LNRs, NNRs are not to have such effect.
The Mansi principal prevents Local Authorities from enforcing the
material change of use of land to a caravan or camping site which would
otherwise be lawful or authorised. It is often noted
that Enfocement Notices contain a condition to cease the use of land as a
caravan / camping site. This condition is contrary to the Mansi principal.
Any enforcement action which prevents
uses that are
lawful / authorised or have subsequently become
so by a development
order will cease to have effect on implementation of authorised use by
virtue of section 180 of the TCPA.
Irrespective of appropriate
planning approval or immunity from enforcement, operating a caravan or
camping site is a licenced activity, requiring a licence,
exemption from licensing
or limited to less than 42/60 days for tent camping. This is a criminal act and liable to summary
conviction ( a criminal act is any regulated act which incurs a penalty as
a means of discouragement ). As a summary only offence, activities beyond 6 months would not
normally be prosecuted. Fines for this activity are low and under a summary
only conviction a Proceeds of Crime Act confiscation order would not be
applicable, however cost of prosecution and/or a compensation order may be made by a magistrate ( anyone can bring a private prosecution of a criminal act including competing caravan sites or local residents but not unincorporated groups. Cost of private prosecutions may be recouped win, loose or draw from central funds). Private prosecution may be taken over and stopped by the Crown Prosecution Service or Director of Public Persecutions, this is likely to happen if allegations are frivolous, vexatious, malicious or lack reasonable grounds/evidence.
Permitted development for campsite amenities
Fences and walls
Part 2 GPD order 2015
Class A – gates, fences, walls etc
A. The erection, construction, maintenance, improvement or alteration of a
gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure.
Development not permitted
A.1 Development is not permitted by Class A if—
(a) the height of any gate, fence, wall or means of enclosure erected or
constructed adjacent
to a highway used by vehicular traffic would, after the carrying out of the
(i) for a school, 2 metres above ground level, provided that any part of the
gate, fence,
wall or means of enclosure which is more than 1 metre above ground level does
create an obstruction to the view of persons using the highway as to be likely
cause danger to such persons;
(ii) in any other case, 1 metre above ground level;
(b) the height of any other gate, fence, wall or means of enclosure erected or
would exceed 2 metres above ground level;
(c) the height of any gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure maintained,
improved or
altered would, as a result of the development, exceed its former height or the
referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) as the height appropriate to it if erected
or constructed,
whichever is the greater; or
(d) it would involve development within the curtilage of, or to a gate, fence,
wall or other
means of enclosure surrounding, a listed building.
Interpretation of Class A
A.2 For the purposes of Class A, “school” includes—
(a) premises which have changed use under Class S or T of Part 3 of this
Schedule (changes
of use) to become a state-funded school or registered nursery as defined in
paragraph X of
Part 3; and
(b) a building permitted by Class C of Part 4 of this Schedule (temporary
buildings and uses)
to be used temporarily as a school, from the date the local planning authority
is notified as
provided in paragraph C.2(b) of Part 4.
Part 2 GPD order 2015
Class B – means of access to a highway
B. The formation, laying out and construction of a means of access to a highway
which is not a trunk road or a classified road, where that access is required
in connection with development permitted by any Class in this schedule (other
than by Class A of this Part).
Classes of advertisement benefiting from deemed consent
Class 2(C) permits notices or signs which relate to: ● any religious,
educational, cultural, recreational, medical or similar institution; or ● any
hotel, inn or public house, block of flats, club, boarding-house or hostel;
provided that the advertisement is displayed at the premises and does not
exceed 1.2 square metres in area. If there is more than one entrance to the
premises on different road frontages, two advertisements of 1.2 square metres
each may be displayed (each on a separate frontage)
A number of categories of flag may be flown without consent, subject to certain restrictions regarding the size of the flag, the size of characters on the flag, and the number and location of the flags. Categories of flag that can now be flown
1 : • House flag - flag is allowed to display the name, emblem, device or trademark of the company (or person) occupying the building, or can refer to a specific event of limited duration that is taking place in the building from which the flag is flown
• Any sports club (but cannot include sponsorship logos)
• The horizontal striped rainbow flag, such as the “Pride” Flag
• Specified award schemes - Eco-Schools, Queens Awards for Enterprise and Investors in People
Flying one or two flags within the grounds of a building You can now fly up to two flags (before the changes only one flag was allowed) within the grounds (the regulations refer to “curtilage”) of a building subject to the conditions listed below:
• There are no restrictions on the size of the flag, but any flagpole may not exceed 4.6 metres above ground level
• Consent is required if the flag is to be flown in a controlled area
• Up to two flags can be flown without consent in the grounds of a building, but only one flag can be flown within the grounds of a building if another flag is either being flown from the roof, or is projecting from the building
Change of use of buildings
Part 3,
Class R – agricultural buildings to a flexible commercial use
Permitted development
R. Development consisting of a change of use of a building and any land within
its curtilage from a use as an agricultural building to a flexible use falling
within Class A1 (shops), Class A2 (financial and professional services), Class
A3 (restaurants and cafes), Class B1 (business), Class B8 (storage or
distribution), Class C1 (hotels) or Class D2 (assembly and leisure) of the
Schedule to the Use Classes Order.
Development not permitted
R.1 Development is not permitted by Class R if—
(a) the building was not used solely for an agricultural use as part of an
agricultural unit—
(i) on 3rd July 2012;
(ii) in the case of a building which was in use before that date but was not in
use on that
date, when it was last in use, or
(iii) in the case of a building which was brought into use after 3rd July 2012,
for a period
of at least 10 years before the date development under Class R begins;
(b) the cumulative floor space of buildings which have changed use under Class
R within an established agricultural unit exceeds 500 square metres;
(c) the site is, or forms part of, a military explosives storage area;
(d) the site is, or forms part of, a safety hazard area; or
(e) the building is a listed building or a scheduled monument.