use postcode CF3 2TU this will bring you to Marshfield village shop which should be on your left
proceed forward over railway bridge (Y maerun pub below) to T Junction
at T junction turn left and in 0.3 mile ty coch is first property on your right
Ty Coch is in a superb location just 15 minutes to Cardiff and Newport. The 3 acre camping ground is set within our beautiful 10 acre small holding with 15 hardstand pitches and 15 tent pitches all with 10 amp electric hook up.
On site we have toilets, showers, a well equipped kitchen with dishwashing, pots and pans, crockery and cutlery.
There is so much to do in this lovely part of South East Wales with the Principality Stadium and Cardiff just a short drive away and lots of historic castles, and lovely market towns close by.
Toilets Showers Electric hook ups Ice block freezing Chemical toilet disposal point Pets welcome Local taxi's Local shops Local pub